Follow-Me-Fridays: Where’s Miss Vivian?

Hugo Oehmichen Im Kindergarten

Image via Wikipedia

Yesterday I walked into Bristol Elementary School…the halls are brightly decorated with the artistic efforts of the students.  The two kindergartens where I was to do my presentation are separated by another room which serves as an office for the two teachers and their assistants…what a great set-up!

The children were eager to hear the story of Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready For Bed? by Barney Saltzberg.  The teacher had introduced me as ‘Miss Vivian, who used to teach kindergarten many years ago and now she wrote a book about books and she is going to read to us today’.  I opened the picture book to the inner title page and began, “This is a story about a little pig named Cornelius who does some very silly things…Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready For Bed?”  I have to tell you how amazed I was when one of the boys asked, “And who is the author?”  Usually I do say the author’s name after I tell them the title…this time I didn’t, and it was great to hear such a question from a 5-year old. 🙂  After I told them the name of the author, the same child piped up, “And who drew the pictures?”  We talked a minute about the fact that in this particular book, the author was also the illustrator and then we read the story about the little pig getting ready for bed.  When Cornelius brushes his teeth with soap and a body brush, the kindergarteners laughed.  And when the little pig chooses a pile of TWENTY books as his bedtime story, the children knew that his father would NEVER read so many books at one time.  But when Cornelius feeds his fish CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES, one girl raised her hand and said, “If you feed your fish cookies, they will die because cookies have sugar and fish can’t eat things with sugar.”  I agreed and added that it was a good thing that this was just a story and that many stories are just “made up” and those events didn’t really happen.  “That’s because it’s fiction!” exclaimed another child.


I guess that is one of the things that I love most about young children…they are sponges for knowledge…what an opportunity parents and teachers have!  It is so important to spend those precious moments with little ones…just 15 minutes is all it takes to read a picture book story or do a simple arts and crafts project or prepare something together in the kitchen.  Those 15 minutes (or more if you have it) of “quality” time, participating positively with a child, leaves an impression that builds self-esteem, develops pre-literacy skills and creates a life-long parent-child bond.

After the story, I showed the children the No Tick-Tock Clock craft project and explained how we would proceed to make it.  I loved the way the teacher wrote the steps on the board as I spoke…using a simple picture (like a bottle of glue) and then a word (like glue)…to give the children a reference to follow as they worked on their clocks.  The children really enjoyed working on the simple craft project and were excited to be able to bring it home to show their parents and use it to help them know when it was time to get ready for bed.

If you are interested in getting a copy of a great resource that provides story suggestions, simple craft projects and easy healthful recipes, I hope you will take advantage of a very special sale going on right now to celebrate The Week Of The Young Child and to help enable young families to purchase a copy of SHOW ME HOW! BUILD YOUR CHILD’S SELF-ESTEEM THROUGH READING, CRAFTING AND COOKING.  You can check it out by going to my website…if you pay by check or money order, you can get the book for $14.95 (plus postage…U.S. only)…only one copy per address, no dealers, please (April 10-April 16).  This is an amazing 66% off the cover price of $44.95.  The book is a great resource for parents with young children and I am trying to make it available to as many parents as possible.


For those of you who are interested in the Read with Max Book Blog tour, to find out more information about Leader Dogs for the Blind or to follow Max on the rest of his book blog tour:

Also, please don’t forget that I will be taking part in the EASTER EGGSTRAVAGANZA GIVEAWAY BLOG HOP from April 20 – April 25.  It will be the first time I will be giving away a copy of my book on my own blog, although it has been part of many reviews and several giveaways on other blog sites.  The other really cool thing is that there are over 200 bloggers taking part…you will be able to hop from one to another…read their posts and enter their giveaways. So keep your eye on my posts for more information.

Please stop by tomorrow for Saturday Ramblings: Preserve, Protect and Promote…Earth Day 2011

6 thoughts on “Follow-Me-Fridays: Where’s Miss Vivian?

  1. Hi Nancy,
    Thank you so very much for bringing this to my attention…so does that mean no computer in addition to no TV? No TV is simple for me…no computer probably won’t happen for me because of my book business…don’t think I could be away for a week. But I will certainly go to the website and I would love to blog about it…kids are in front of TV/computer much too much these days.


    • I think it’s primarily directed at TV, but kids often watch TV shows on their computers. Or they may be addicted to video games.

      I thought you might want to work it into one of your posts since your audience may have young kids.


      • I definitely will…again, thank you so much for letting me know about it. There is always so much going on…and I get so involved in each task at hand.
        By the way…LOVED Eliz’ featured blogger post…you definitely inspire me. 🙂


  2. What a bright group of kids Viv. I’m sure they were eager to learn about fiction and such… These school visits are going very well… I look forward to the next installment. 🙂


    • Thank you Eliz. I am looking forward to the next visit also…it will be at another school I haven’t been to yet…District 11 covers a really big area.
      As I briefly spoke with one of the teachers, she told me that on her way to work, she heard my name on NPR…now I am really curious…so I emailed NPR to ask about it…that would be great if NPR wanted to do a segment on Positive Parental Participation or the “just 15 minutes a day is all it takes” idea. 🙂


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