PPBF: Summer in a Bowl

The third week of every month is pretty special around here. On Saturday, we’ll welcome our Will Write for Cookies author, Joan Leotta. And that means that today, we’ll be featuring one of her picture books for Perfect Picture Book Friday. If you’d like to see all of this week’s other wonderful perfect picture book reviews, please hop on over to Susanna Hill’s blog.

With the end of the summer closing in on us, I found the perfect one.




Written by Joan Leotta

Illustrated by Rebecca Michael Zeissler

Published by Theaq Publishing (2016)

Age: 5-9

 Themes:  Gardening, family togetherness


From Amazon: “Summer in a Bowl” is a wonderful introduction to the joys of gardening and cooking with children. Rosa spends every Thursday helping Aunt Mary tend her garden. On this last Thursday of the season, they harvest the vegetables and cook them. Rosa finds that vegetables can be delicious and discovers a new way to preserve all of her summer fun.”

 Why I love this book:

  • I love stories that promote family togetherness
  • It reminded me of the fun my children had helping me in our big vegetable garden when they were growing up…my younger son still loves to garden…and enjoys cooking with fresh vegetables all the time

 How parents can use this book:

  • Great opportunity for intergenerational family activities
  • Perfect way to help a fussy eater expand his or her choices
  • Children will gain an appreciation for where food comes from

 Related Activities


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This post is part of a series for parents and teachers called Perfect Picture Book Fridays hosted by Susannah Leonard Hill. Click on her link and find lots of other picture book suggestions with summaries and activities.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, dear friends and readers. If you enjoyed the post, please share it on Facebook or Twitter or whatever social media channels you prefer.

And please do come back tomorrow for:





27 thoughts on “PPBF: Summer in a Bowl

  1. What a great book for rounding off your summer Vivian. When growing up I loved spending school holidays and weekends (if I was lucky) with my grandmother. She was a great gardener and cook. I always had such fun with her. I have gained her green fingers and love of cooking (when in the mood) 😉 Kids will certainly love this and learning about different plants and vegetables. Years (and years) ago my hubby and I went apple and peach picking on the back of a tractor down country. Was such fun. Thanks for sharing Vivian.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Diane…I am a huge fan of fruit picking and vegetable gardening! And my grandmother also had a green thumb…don’t know that I inherited it, but I hobble along as best as I can. The basil did great this year, but I won’t talk about the beans and peas that a deer helped himself to..or the tomatoes that are just now coming into their own…and it’s going to get cold pretty soon. I got stuff in late this year…will try to do better next year. 😉

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  2. Pingback: Guest feature..contest | Joan Leotta

    • Oh yes…apple crisp…that is Stuart’s favorite. I actually make it every week…it is his dessert whenever he has a cup of coffee or tea. 😉 Thanks for stopping by, Susanna…and thanks for being our Perfect Picture Book Friday fearless leader. 😉


    • Yes, I can remember my son, Peter, eating the corn as we walked up the hill to the house…he couldn’t wait, Patricia. My mother wasn’t into baking or canning…but my grandmother was…and luckily we lived with her from the time I was 10…that was lots of Saturday mornings of baking apple pie. 😉


  3. Pingback: Joan Leotta: Will Write for Cookies PLUS Giveaway | Picture Books Help Kids Soar

    • Yes…my grandson helped a lot last year because he spent a couple of weeks with me…his favorite was to water the garden with the sprayer…and of course, he probably got wetter than the veggies did. Thanks so much for stopping by, Pam.


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