Perfect Picture Book Friday: JOAN PROCTER, DRAGON DOCTOR Plus Giveaway

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, dear friends!

One of my favorite types of picture books are nonfiction picture book biographies. I love when authors are able to bring history alive for young readers. It’s what I try to do with so many of my stories. And just this past week, a brand-new one launched and I couldn’t wait to share it with you! And guess what? Debut picture book author, Patricia Valdez, is offering a giveaway of a copy of her book!!!! Big congratulations to her on a fabulous story!!! And make sure to leave a comment – you might be the lucky winner!

JOAN PROCTER, DRAGON DOCTOR: The Woman Who Loved Reptiles

Written by Patricia Valdez

Illustrated by Felicita Sala

Published by Alfred Knopf (2018)

Ages: 4-8

Themes: Women in science, zoology, reptiles

Synopsis: From Amazon:

For fans of Ada Twist: Scientist comes a fascinating picture book biography of a pioneering female scientist–who loved reptiles!

Back in the days of long skirts and afternoon teas, young Joan Procter entertained the most unusual party guests: slithery and scaly ones, who turned over teacups and crawled past the crumpets…. While other girls played with dolls, Joan preferred the company of reptiles. She carried her favorite lizard with her everywhere–she even brought a crocodile to school!

When Joan grew older, she became the Curator of Reptiles at the British Museum. She went on to design the Reptile House at the London Zoo, including a home for the rumored-to-be-vicious komodo dragons. There, just like when she was a little girl, Joan hosted children’s tea parties–with her komodo dragon as the guest of honor.

With a lively text and vibrant illustrations, scientist and writer Patricia Valdez and illustrator Felicita Sala bring to life Joan Procter’s inspiring story of passion and determination.

Why I like this book:

  • Fabulous text that takes us from Joan’s childhood days of collecting lizards to her success as a world renowned zoologist.
  • Vivid illustrations that evoke a sense of fun and adventure – kids will LOVE the pictures of all of the lizards and dragons and other animals.
  • A story that will inspire children to dream and be different and go out and learn about science.


Lizard Craftphoto courtesy:

Make a leaping lizard. For detailed instructions:

Other activities to do with the kiddos:

  • Visit a pet store or zoo to see the reptiles
  • Talk about different jobs people have who take care of animals: zookeeper, zoologist, beekeeper, groomer, vet, etc.
  • If you could be a reptile, which one would you be?

Thank you so much for spending your precious time here. I am working my way through the list of winners of #50PreciousWords, distributing the prizes. Thank you again to all the participants…your stories were fabulous! I know there will be many picture books that emerge from this year’s challenge.

Please don’t forget to leave a comment to be eligible to win a copy of this wonderful book, JOAN PROCTER, DRAGON DOCTOR!

And remember, the best gift you can give an author or an illustrator is to buy their book, tell someone else about their book, ask your local library to get a copy for their collection and/or leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads or other book review sites.

For more super picture book reviews, please hop over to Susanna Hill’s Perfect Picture Book Friday.

Have a safe and happy weekend!


39 thoughts on “Perfect Picture Book Friday: JOAN PROCTER, DRAGON DOCTOR Plus Giveaway

  1. This sounds like my kind of book, Vivian. Learning about someone I did not know about is always a thrill. Love the title—so clever. Thanks for introducing us to Patricia and Joan.


  2. This sounds fascinating. I have very fond memories of visits to the British Museum & the London Zoo with my kids. I don’t recall any mention of Joan Proctor. Can’t wait to read this book. I especially love the rhyming title.


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