A Couple More Giveaway Winners…and Tips on My Writing Process

Hello my friends.  This post is two-fold…I wanted to announce a couple of giveaway winners before I get too far behind again.

PLUS…I’m part of #Newin19 – a group of debut picture book authors and illustrators whose books are launching in 2019. We have a wonderful new website that will be chock full of peeks into the lives of the authors and illustrators, sneak peeks at their book covers, special events and happenings as we come into the new year, PLUS a blog where we’ll share insights and information of interest to all.


But first, let’s get to the giveaways.

operation rescue dog 1

Author Maria Gianferrari offered a copy of her brand-new picture book: OPERATION RESCUE DOG. And the winner is…


inconvenient alphabet

Author Beth Anderson offered a copy of her brand-new picture book: AN INCONVENIENT ALPHABET: BEN FRANKLIN & NOAH WEBSTER’S SPELLING REVOLUTION. And the winner is: 



Hannah Holt, author of A DIAMOND AND A BOY, offered a Picture Book Manuscript Critique. And the winner is…


book cover

And last, I offered a copy of Hannah’s debut pb, A DIAMOND AND A BOY. And the winner is…


Congratulations…and a big thank you to our generous authors. I will connect you all so the prizes can be distributed.

And now, as promised, the link for the post I wrote for the #Newin19 group. The article is called: SEVEN STEPS AND A FEW SECRET INGREDIENTS:


I hope you all stop by to visit our new blog – shout-outs and shares will be much appreciated by all of these talented new authors and illustrators – I’m honored to be part of their group. To tell you the truth, I almost feel like an imposter because this is the THIRD debut picture book author/illustrator group I’ve been in…I was in PicturetheBooks 2017 and also in Epic Eighteens…but they do say that third time’s a charm. Maybe that’s why I have three books debuting next year! 

twitter chat advert

And just a heads up…the #Newin19 group is having a Twitter chat with one of kidlit’s favorite people, MATTHEW WINNER. So please, tune in at #Newin19 on your Twitter page on Thursday, October 11th at 8pm EST/7pm CST. He’s going to be asking us all sorts of fun questions!

I hope you all have a wonderful week…I’ll see you on Friday when Melissa Stoller’s Scarlet’s Magic Paintbrush is in the spotlight! And then, looking down the road for the next few weeks, Amber Hendricks’ Sophie and Little Star; Viviane Elbee’s Teach Your Giraffe to Ski; Sherry Howard’s Rock & Roll Woods; Brian Lies’ The Rough Patch; and Lisa Amstrutz’ Finding a Dove for Grandpa! WOW!






13 thoughts on “A Couple More Giveaway Winners…and Tips on My Writing Process

    • Yes, we have a blog, Sandy…and various authors and illustrators will be doing posts like the one I did…only on different topics. 🙂 And you know how much I appreciate your encouragement, support, and feedback!


    • Hi Sarah…I’m so happy you will be sharing Operation Rescue Dog with your students. Please let us know their reaction…and if you are able to take a pic of you reading it with them, we’d love to see it. Knowing that kids are enjoying their book is such a gift to authors. 😉


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