Perfect Picture Book Friday: NO VOICE TOO SMALL Plus Giveaway

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, dear friends. It’s a double-header weekend again…with a Trifecta Will Write for Cookies post tomorrow – an interview with all three of the fabulous authors of this wonderful book. And, if you leave a comment, you’ll have a chance to win a copy of this fabulous book!


Edited by Jeanette Bradley, Keila Dawson, and Lindsay Metcalf

Illustrated by Jeanette Bradley

Published by Charlesbridge

Ages: 5-9

Themes; Activism, social justice, agency

Synopsis: From Amazon:

Fans of We Rise, We Resist, We Raise Our Voices will love meeting fourteen young activists who have stepped up to make change in their community and the United States.

Mari Copeny demanded clean water in Flint. Jazz Jennings insisted, as a transgirl, on playing soccer with the girls’ team. From Viridiana Sanchez Santos’s quinceañera demonstration against anti-immigrant policy to Zach Wahls’s moving declaration that his two moms and he were a family like any other, No Voice Too Small celebrates the young people who know how to be the change they seek. Fourteen poems honor these young activists. Featuring poems by Lesléa Newman, Traci Sorell, and Nikki Grimes. Additional text goes into detail about each youth activist’s life and how readers can get involved.

Why I love this book:

  • Kids will love hearing about other kids who made their voices heard, spoke up for themselves and others, and made a difference
  • Endearing, yet powerful illustrations
  • A wonderful way to open discussions and encourage young people to speak up and get involved


Make a Megaphone

Photo courtesy:

For detailed instructions on making a megaphone:

Also, The Flipgrid Book Club link is live! Lindsay, Keila, and Jeanette are looking forward to engaging with kids and schools at the No Voice Too Small Book Club  featured in Flipgrid’s Discovery Library. 

Please remember that the best way to ensure the success of your favorite books is to buy them if you can, review them, tell friends about them, and ask your local library to purchase copies for their collection.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Make sure to be back tomorrow when Keila, Jeanette, and Lindsay stop by to chat about their exciting collaboration on this book and how their creative journeys are going. And leave a comment to be entered in the giveaway – maybe you can tell us a time when your voice was heard.

37 thoughts on “Perfect Picture Book Friday: NO VOICE TOO SMALL Plus Giveaway

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