Perfect Picture Book Friday: COUNTING ELEPHANTS Plus Giveaway

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, dear friends.

Today’s book is written by one of my favorite kidlit people. I met Dawn Young back in 2015 when she created a super cool video for Angie Karcher’s RhyPiBoMo (a rhyming challenge now called Rhyme Revolution). And now she has several picture books – and here is her newest that launched in March.


Written by Dawn Young

Illustrated by Fermin Solis

Published by Running Press Kids

Ages: 4-8

Themes: Counting book,

Synopsis: From Amazon:

Math + Magic = chaos. A zany book about counting elephants before they disappear!

Our poor counter just wants to count her ten elephants, but – POOF! – her magician friend is making it impossible. Ten, nine, eight… each time we get back to counting, one of the elephants has been changed into something unexpected. Puppies, frogs, peanut butter and jelly, and, of course, a rabbit and a hat appear and disappear in this funny, fast-paced story.

Why I love this book:

  1. Filled with humor – kids will love the funny interaction between the kid who is counting elephants and the magician who keeps changing the number of elephants by turning them into something else.
  2. Love the illustrations!
  3. Great STEM element with the math.


Photo courtesy:

Look at all of these awesome elephant craft activities. For details, click on this link:

And if you need a smile…and a chance to get up and exercise, here is that super cool video Dawn did:

Don’t forget to leave a comment to be entered in the giveaway of a copy of COUNTING ELEPHANTS. 

And don’t forget that our favorite authors need our support. If you can, purchase a copy. If you read the book, please review it. If you love it, please tell your friends about it and ask your library to purchase copies for their collection.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend…and please stop by tomorrow for Will Write for Cookies when Kirsti Call visits to chat about her writing journey and her newest picture book: MOOTILLA’S BAD MOOD.