Merry Christmas to All…More or Less

Cookies...check! Note to Santa...check! Glass of milk...check! Bottle of ale...well, I guess delivering presents all over the world is thirsty work!

Cookies…check! Note to Santa…check! Glass of milk…check! Bottle of ale…well, I guess delivering presents all over the world is thirsty work!

Merry Christmas to All!

May 2013 bring:

More peace

Less war

More joy

Less sorrow

More love

Less hate

More hope

Less despair

More people reaching out to help others

Less people reaching the end of their rope

More parents participating positively with their children

Less children living without basic necessities

Perhaps you wonder what you can do…or if what you do can really make a difference.

Have you seen “It’s A Wonderful Life“? In it, George Bailey asked that exact question: Supposedly the entire movie A three-minute review of the movie

Remember what the Pencilmaker told the pencil before he put it in the box: Everything you do will leave a mark!

Do something to help someone else everyday…even if it is just a smile or kind word. Read a story to a young child. Listen to a teenager. Call an elderly relative or friend. Make the mark you leave a positive one.

I wish you all a beautiful holiday and a Happy, Healthy, Joyous and Successful New Year!

A Christmas Memory



Deutsch: Apfelkuchen English: Apple pie

Image via Wikipedia


One of the best things about blogging is reading the posts of others.

There are some really super cool writers out in the blogosphere.

I meet new friends and learn new things all the time.

The other day, I discovered Things I Want to Tell My Mother, heartfelt posts written by a woman whose mother has Alzheimer’s.  Please take the time to visit her blog, especially if you are a mother or a daughter…you will be glad you did.

Marylin, the author of that wonderful blog, is having a contest and is asking for posts of one hundred words on Christmas memories with your mother or grandmother.  Since I lived with my grandmother for many years, my Christmas memory will be about this special lady who was a role model for positive parental participation long before spending quality time with young children was considered crucial to building self-esteem.


Baking for Christmas

            As soon as I opened my eyes that morning, I knew it was going to be a special day.  The delicious aroma of apples and cinnamon filled the little bedroom I shared with my older sister.  This was the day before Christmas, and although my parents and sister were still sleeping, I knew that someone was already awake.  I tiptoed down the stairs and entered the old-fashioned kitchen. My grandmother’s words were welcoming and her flour-dusted arms enfolded me in a loving hug. “There you are, Vivian.  I’ve been waiting for you.  Come and help me make these apple pies.”


Memories like this one encouraged me to use cooking activities with my own children, the children in my daycare and as part of the self-esteem building activities in Show Me How!  Allowing kids to help prepare food builds true self-esteem as they master tasks and skills in the kitchen.  It also encourages fussy eaters to try new foods…if a child has helped prepare a meal; he or she is more likely to eat it.  Or, at least try it.  Here’s a cool tip: my niece who is a clinical psychologist, encourages her children to take a “no thank you” bite of every food that is being served.  They know that if they really don’t like it, they can try it and say, “no thank you” and they won’t have to finish the portion.  Experts say that it takes at least seven tries before we develop a taste for certain foods…so just because a child doesn’t like something the first time he tries it, doesn’t mean you should never serve it. 

I’ve got several school and library programs coming up this week and next and I am really excited about sharing the picture book stories and craft projects from Show Me How!  This is a back-to-basics program that builds self-esteem, develops better literacy skills and strengthens the parent-child connection.


Please pass the word and help others get on the back-to-basics bandwagon.  This will definitely be the gift that keeps on giving, long after many of the toys you buy have been discarded.



Chlldren’s Birthday Parties: Then and Now


Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday dear………”

Do you remember the birthday parties you had when you were a child?

I do, even though it was a long, long time ago. 🙂

My mom would bake a cake and invite a few of my friends over.  We would play games like Pin the Tail on the Donkey and Musical Chairs.  Then I would open the presents and thank each child for the gift, saving all of the ribbon and wrapping paper for future arts and crafts projects.  Then we children would sit down and my mom would bring in the cake with candles lit while everyone sang Happy Birthday.  When the party was over, I would hand each child a little bag with a few small items: balloon, whistle, box of cracker-jack.

Parties these days are often very different.  Many children go to preschool or other childcare facilities where they have a dozen friends or more.  Add to that neighbor children and family members and you can wind up with a list of two dozen children that need to be invited.   In addition, in many families, both parents are working outside the home and having such a big party at home is more than they can cope with.


A whole new industry has emerged: facilities that cater to parties for two, three and four year olds.  There are bounce house and other indoor playground-type facilities, in addition to museums, zoos and farms that will put together a program of activities including food and time for opening presents…all supervised by their employees.


Earlier this month, I visited my daughter and her family in New Hampshire and helped celebrate my grandson’s third birthday at BounceU in Bedford, NH.  The children had a ball!  Parents could participate with their children if they wanted to…climbing and sliding and bouncing.  The pizza they served was pretty good and the birthday cake was delicious.  One of the employees even sat close, writing down who the gift was from and what it was, while presents were being unwrapped.


I know my grandson had a wonderful time and was thrilled to have all of his friends wishing him a happy birthday.  All of the children were delighted with the activities and their parents were pleased with the BounceU facility.

The big birthday party was celebrated on a Sunday, but my grandson’s actual birthday fell on the next day.  His dad had to work, but came home early so that we could all spend the afternoon at a beautiful nearby park.


Jeremy got to try out the birthday present he had received from his Grampy, a new fishing rod!


And when we got home, Jeremy got to open presents from his mom and dad…and blow out the candles on a small birthday cake that was just perfect for the four of us.

I was happy that Jeremy got to experience these two different birthday celebrations.  Although the larger party was certainly lots of fun, there were elements in the smaller one that made it so very special and harkened back to those parties of long ago.

What are your thoughts?

 Whether you need a birthday present or a holiday gift, take advantage of the online special of the book that provides QUICK and EASY activities that build self-esteem, develop literacy skills and strengthen the parent-child connection.   I know that every parent wants to accomplish all of those goals.  Visit my website or Amazon and grab a copy or two of the award-winning Show Me How! Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem Through Reading, Crafting and Cooking…now more than 50% offONLY $19.95.