Sunday Post: Treasured Pleasure or Guilty Pleasure

Mommy, you said just one bite!


Which is my pleasure?  My daughter and grandson whom I love dearly?  Or the chocolate ice-cream they are eating?

Jake at Time after Time has a Sunday Post Challenge and every week he provides a theme…this week’s theme is PLEASURE.

Life is filled with pleasures…watching a sunset, dancing in the moonlight on a summer evening, completing a difficult project successfully, carving out a chunk of time so that you can read a great book, riding in a convertible with the top down (as long as the weather is pleasant)…the list can go on and on. 

For me, the greatest pleasure is spending time with my loved ones.

But food is also one of life’s pleasures…that’s probably why cooking shows are so popular on TV.  Each of us has our own particular favorites.  For me, ice-cream tops the list.  I must admit that EVERY night I have a small bowl of ice-cream…and my dear sweet husband makes sure that the freezer has at least four or five exotic varieties so that I will never be without…here’s a look at what’s in our freezer right now: Denali Extreme Moose Tracks, Black Raspberry Chocolate, Italian Café Tiramisu, Chocolate Ganache, French Silk and Rocky Road.  Do you notice that each has chocolate in it…that is not by accident, you can be sure!  It’s a good thing we have a good-size freezer…honestly, we do have “real” food in there also!

This love that I have for ice-cream is probably a carry-over from childhood, as are many of the things most of us like or dislike. If you haven’t seen the poem I wrote (it won second place!) that addresses the topic of overcoming childhood fears, you can go to:  Marylin Warner: Things I Want To Tell My Mother: February Poetry Contest Winners.

Ice-cream has always been a part of my life.  My dad loved ice-cream…Friday night was shopping night (I guess Thursday was payday) and my sister and I were allowed to stay up until he came home from the store…there was always a box of ice-cream sandwiches or pops, and we were allowed to have one as a treat.  And on summer evenings, when the ice-cream truck rolled down the street, playing that calliope melody, my dad would always ask us, “What do you girls want?”  Those are memories worth holding on to.

If you’d like more information about Jake’s Sunday Post:

National Ice Cream Day

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream…when I was growing up, that was a popular ditty.

In 1984, President Ronald Reagan designated the third Sunday in July as National Ice Cream Day. For more information and some special today-only offers, click on this link: National Ice Cream Day

For me, every day is an ice-cream day.  I’ve always loved ice-cream.

When I was a little girl, I remember going to the park across the street with my best friend, Jane.  Each of us would clutch a precious nickel in a little hand and eagerly await the Good Humor Man who would pedal by with the large freezer box attached to the front of his bike.  My favorite was a toasted almond bar!

Years later, on summer evenings, we would sit outside, listening for the calliope sound of the ice-cream truck.  You would hear children shouting, “Mommy, mommy, I need a quarter…the ice cream man is here!”  My dad, who also loved ice cream, would ask me and my sister what we wanted and he would run out into the street as soon as the truck stopped so that he would be the first to give in his order. 

These days, my husband lovingly provides me with a wonderful variety of exotic flavors…double fudge brownie, French silk, coffee with almonds and chocolate morsels…and I treat myself to a small dish of ice cream topped with a spoonful of whipped cream and seven almonds every evening…my reward at the end of a busy day.

Do you like ice cream?  What are your ice cream memories?

Among the 100 simple healthful child-friendly recipes in Show Me How! Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem Through Reading, Crafting and Cooking you will find several for ice pops, sorbet and ice cream treats.  You can buy a copy NOW for 50% off the cover price!  Don’t let the summer pass you by without SCOOPING UP this incredible guide of fun-filled activities and picture book recommendations.  Did you know there is a money-back guarantee?