Perfect Picture Book Friday: CHICKEN FRANK DINOSAUR Plus PB Critique

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, dear friends! Today we have a fabulous book that launches in just a couple of days, on October 1st. It’s FUNNY! It’s EDUCATIONAL! It’s ENGAGING! It’s…

Written by S.K. Wenger

Illustrated by Jojo Ensslin

Published by Albert Whitman

Ages: 4-7

Themes: Evolution, STEM, Humor

Synopsis: From Amazon:

Chicken Frank wants to prove he’s related to a T.rex―because of evolution!―but none of the other farm animals believe him, until he gets his DNA test results. This comic-book style picture book combines information with humor to explore the concept of evolution and the connection between birds and dinosaurs.

Make sure you leave a comment to be entered in the fantastic giveaway – a Picture Book Critique AND a Zoom Chat with author S.K. Wenger!!!!

Why I Love This Book:

  1. This book is hilarious!
  2. The illustrations are comic-book style fabulous!
  3. What a cool way to explore the theory of evolution with young children!


Photo courtesy:

This website has several awesome kid-friendly activities that relate to evolution and how things change over time:

And here is another website with more:

Please don’t forget to leave a comment to be entered in the FANTASTIC giveaway from the generous S.K. Wenger…one lucky winner will receive the opportunity to get a PICTURE BOOK CRITIQUE and a Zoom Chat with this talented author!

And make sure you let your favorite authors know how much you appreciate their wonderful books by buying them, reviewing them, telling friends about them, and asking your local library to purchase copies for their collection.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Please come back tomorrow for a rousing Q&A with the incredible Karen Greenwald, author of A VOTE FOR SUSANNA: First Woman Mayor!