Perfect Picture Book Friday: I SHIP: A Container Ship’s Colossal Journey Plus Critique Giveaway

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, dear friends! Every new book is special…but this one is extra special to me because #50PreciousWords is part of its story and author Kelly Rice Schmitt shares what happened:
KELLY: I Ship really began with what will be the second book in the series, which unfortunately isn’t announced yet. I had been struggling with how to simplify a complex concept for kids. Enter Vivian’s #50preciouswords contest. I challenged myself to distill this topic using only 50 words. Brevity gave me the idea to narrate the story in first person. Fast Forward a few months – I have a story draft about a container ship getting stuck in the Suez Canal (sound familiar?) but my critique group thinks it needs a better angle. They suggest reframing it to be in the voice of my #50preciouswords story… and I Ship was born! Thank you, Vivian, for inspiring all of us to try to be extremely INTENTIONAL with our words. For me, it launched a whole book series!

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Perfect Picture Book Friday: DREIDEL DAY Plus GIVEAWAY

Hurray for December! Hurray for all of the wonderful holidays that will soon be upon us…Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza. And hurray for the potpourri of children’s books about them.

Before I share today’s Perfect Picture Book Friday, which is a wonderful board book that can help Continue reading