Perfect Picture Book Friday: FINLEY: A MOOSE ON THE CABOOSE Plus Giveaway

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, dear friends. You know, some books grab your attention because of the cover. Others beg to be picked up because of the title. Today’s featured book wins on both counts! And if you leave a comment on this blog post and spread the word about this book on your social media, you’ll have a chance to win a copy!

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Sydney Taylor Honor Awards Book Blog Tour: BIG DREAMS, SMALL FISH Plus Giveaway

When the Sydney Taylor Honor Awards committee comes looking for a spot on my blog schedule, my answer is always going to be YES! Last year I had the joy of interviewing one of my all-time favorite author/illustrators, Peter Sís, for his winning book, NICKY AND VERA. When they approached me this year, I didn’t hesitate.
And then they revealed the person I’d be interviewing and I was even more honored.

Paul Martin is the husband of the late Paula Cohen Martin, author and illustrator of BIG DREAMS, SMALL FISH which launched last March from Levine Querido, just weeks after she died unexpectedly. The entire kidlit community mourned her passing – Paula was always looking to give back and share her talent…with other creators, and especially with children.

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