Perfect Picture Book Friday: EGYPTIAN LULLABY

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, dear friends. I love books that bring me to a place I’ve never been…and today’s featured book definitely does. More than that, EGYPTIAN LULLABY provides us with a window on life in Egypt through the eyes of a young girl – and because of the fabulous text and gorgeous illustrations, we are immersed in the culture with every page turn!


Written by Zeena M. Pliska

Illustrated by Hatem Aly

Published by Roaring Brook Press (April 18, 2023)

Ages: 4-8

Themes: Culture of Cairo, multigenerational, family

Synopsis: From Amazon:
A rich, beautifully layered ode to the great city of Cairo, Egypt, its people, and culture.
Every night, my Ametti Fatma sings the sounds of Egypt to me as I fall asleep.

This is the Nile,
that flows through the city.
Swish, swoosh, swish.
This is the boat,
that glides on the Nile,
that flows through the city.
Swish, swoosh, swish.

Each night, a young girl’s Auntie Fatma puts her to bed, singing a lullaby filled with rich imagery of her home in Egypt. As Auntie Fatma sings, we are given a glimpse of modern Cairo, from boats making their way down the Nile to gentle calls to prayer from the mosques to young children joyfully playing soccer in the streets.

Join Zeena Pliska and Hatem Aly on a vibrant journey to Cairo in this gorgeous, layered song.

Why I Love This Book
1. The lyrical text – it wraps around me like a blanket – comforting and warm.
2. The engaging illustrations give me a sense of being right there – this book serves as an important window and mirror and sliding glass door for every child reader.
3. I love the intergenerational aspect of the story that we see through the eyes of the child character and her grandmother.

Write in Hieroglyphics

Photo courtesy:

For detailed instructions and other cool crafts that tie in with Egyptian culture:

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Thank you for spending your precious time with us. Have a wonderful weekend!

Happy Book Birthday: ANZU THE GREAT LISTENER Plus Giveaway

I’m definitely dancing today! It was just a year ago that I featured author/illustrator Benson Shum on Will Write and Illustrate for Cookies. We were celebrating the release of his picture book, ANZU THE GREAT KAIJU. And guess what? Today is the launch of the sequel: ANZU, THE GREAT LISTENER! Hold onto your hats, dear friends…Benson shares a bit about his path to publication for this book…and at the end of the post, you can leave a comment for a chance to win a signed copy of the new book, plus some book swag!!!

Read more: Happy Book Birthday: ANZU THE GREAT LISTENER Plus Giveaway Continue reading

BENSON SHUM: Will Write/Illustrate for Cookies PLUS Giveaway


Plate of Cookies




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