Perfect Picture Book Friday: I DISSENT: Ruth Bader Ginsberg Makes Her Mark

OCTOBER is National Bully Prevention Month. Next week is International Day of the Girl Child. And today is Bald and Free Day. (For a detailed list of EVERY wacky and not-so-wacky special day in October, click here.

 Bald and Free Day might not apply to all of us, but the first two definitely need to be uppermost in our minds, as parents, educators, and writers. And today’s Perfect Picture Book Friday selection is a Mighty Girl book that addresses both. For more wonderful picture book reviews and activities, please visit Susanna Hill’s website.



Written by Debbie Levy

Illustrated by Elizabeth Baddeley

Publisher: Simon and Schuster (2016)

Ages: 4-8


Gender discrimination, women’s rights, self-worth


From Amazon:

Get to know celebrated Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg—in the first picture book about her life—as she proves that disagreeing does not make you disagreeable!

Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has spent a lifetime disagreeing: disagreeing with inequality, arguing against unfair treatment, and standing up for what’s right for people everywhere. This biographical picture book about the Notorious RBG, tells the justice’s story through the lens of her many famous dissents, or disagreements.

Opening Lines:

“You could say that Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s life was one disagreement after another.”


Why I like this book:

  • A mighty girl book about a woman who refused to accept the role that society handed her – and she used her dissent and disagreement in a constructive way.
  • I love that the story begins when she is a child…and we see how supportive her mother was and how growing up surrounded by books was such a positive influence on her life.
  • Fabulous text…language is so powerful…and lots of action.
  • Incredible illustrations…and I love how the words of ‘dissention’ are set apart and bolded.


Most kids love to listen to a story. But we can extend the learning by discussing and asking questions or participating in follow up activities. You and your child can:

  1. Draw a picture of a favorite character or scene from the story. Mount it on cardboard and cut into pieces to make a puzzle.
  2. Make a list of special words from the book. Older children can construct a word find puzzle.
  3. Think of a different ending.

Here are some other ideas:




This post is part of a series for parents and teachers called Perfect Picture Book Fridays hosted by Susannah Leonard Hill. Click on her link and find lots of other picture book suggestions with summaries and activities.

Monday is Columbus Day…and my grandson’s 8th birthday…I bought him a pile of…you guessed it…chapter books…went to our local indie bookstore and lost myself there for a couple of hours. I was going to take a photo of all of the books, but I had to leave them there until Monday…they are having a 25% off sale for educators and retired educators. I love our local bookstore…I walked in and the manager said,”Oh, do you have another book coming out?” Indie bookstores support the community and local authors…let’s keep them strong and vibrant.

For Jeremy’s birthday, are going to an indoor skydiving facility…this grandma is just going to watch…I did the actual skydive a few years ago…it was so much fun…but once was definitely enough: Click here if you’d like to see this daredevil jump out of a perfectly good airplane. (if you do go to the link, there should be a space for my email: and my zip code: 03031…at least that’s what it asks me.

Thank you so much for stopping by…I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

16 thoughts on “Perfect Picture Book Friday: I DISSENT: Ruth Bader Ginsberg Makes Her Mark

  1. Yay! Another NF picture book I haven’t read yet.
    The story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is going to inspire so many children (and possibly adults, too, who read this story) to grab the life they want by the reins. Good for Ruth that she didn’t settle. I know I’m going to enjoy this book. Thanks for another great book review!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, she is definitely inspiring, Leslie! It takes a lot of courage to insist on taking what you deserve when society says you shouldn’t. Glad I tuned you in to another gem…I’ll try to get to reading all the PPBF posts this weekend. 🙂


  2. This sounds like a great book. Love the cover. Say hi and Happy Birthday to Jeremy for me. Oh my how wonderful that the bookstore owner asked when your next book is due out. And so he should, wise man.
    Good grief Vivian I had not seen your video before. You are one amazing lady. I could never do that. Sooo cool!


  3. This looks like an amazing “mighty woman” book – reviewed by another mighty woman. So impressed you tried the indoor skydiving. My daughter did it recently & loved it, but she has a non-flying chicken for a mother;) Hope you enjoyed your grandson’s birthday & that he did, too. It’s so wonderful that you shower him with books – that’s a present that will stay with him always.


  4. Pingback: PPBF – The Water Princess | Wander, Ponder, Write

  5. RB Ginsberg’s story sounds like a good one to read. Love the points you make about the importance of the mother’s attitude and being surrounded by books.
    Happy 8th birthday to your grandson. I’m pleased to hear you are gifting him with books and the love of reading. Enjoy the celebrations!


  6. Pingback: I Dissent, Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her Mark – Beth Anderson, Children's Writer

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