Perfect Picture Book Friday: GLIMMER: SING OF SUN Plus Giveaway

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, my friends.

When spring is in the air, you know it’s time for baseball season. And that means another double-header for us right here! This is truly a double-header in every sense of the word. We have TWO posts this weekend (Perfect Picture Book Friday and Will Write for Cookies) featuring TWO gifted creatives (author Raven Howell and illustrator Carina Povarchik) and you, dear readers, have a chance to win TWO of their wonderful books (Shimmer, Sing of Night and their newest collaboration that launches next week and is available for preorder right now: Glimmer: Sing of Sun).

But first, we need to announce some winners from recent blog post giveaways:

The lovely Callie Metler-Smith donated two copies of HOW TO BABY SIT A LOGAN. And the winners are:

Doreen Robinson and Lisette

The wonderful Mia Wenjen donated a copy of her brand-new picture book, SUMO JOE. And the winner is:

Nancy Ferguson.

Congratulations! I will connect with you all very soon. But now everybody….

…put on your sunscreen, grab a cool drink, and sit back and enjoy!

Glimmer Song of the Sun cover


Written by Raven Howell

Illustrated by Carina Povarchik

Published by Clear Fork/Spork (2019)

Ages: 4-8

Themes: Nature, poetry

Why I Love This Book:

  • Joyful poem after joyful poem that celebrate nature and being outdoors
  • Fabulous illustration after fabulous illustration filled with light and life and love
  • Do I need another reason? No problem…this is a sequel to another collaboration of Raven and Carina: SHIMMER: SING OF NIGHT
  • Do I need another reason? No worries…both Raven Howell and Carina Povarchik are Storm Literary Agency sisters of mine.


nature-crafts-squarePhoto courtesy:

For detailed instructions on many wonderful nature crafts for kids:

Go for a walk in the backyard, playground, or park…and look for nature. Then, you and your child can each choose something you’ve seen and write a poem about it.

If you are looking for more picture book reviews and activities, please hop over to Susanna Leonard Hill’s Perfect Picture Book Friday website

And if you are in the Boston/Dedham MA area on Saturday, June 1 (that’s tomorrow), please stop in at Peter Reynolds’ Blue Bunny Bookstore at 1pm because I’ll be there, reading Four Otters Toboggan and doing a fun craft activity with the kiddos and chatting about how we can protect wildlife habitats.

Please don’t forget to leave a comment here to be entered in the double-header giveaway! Plus, do come back tomorrow for an extra special (because it’s a double-header, right?) Will Write for Cookies post where Raven and Carina chat about their collaboration and offer something might sweet to eat!