Perfect Picture Book Friday: THE PORRIDGE POT GOBLIN Plus Giveaway

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, dear friends. Today’s featured story reminds me of the folktales I loved as a kid – and I was so happy when author Jacqueline Jules shared the ARC with me. She also stopped by to chat a bit about the path to publication for this book AND she is offering a giveaway of a copy – so please make sure you leave a comment and share the post on your social media.


Written by Jacqueline Jules

Illustrated by Hector Boriasca

Published by Apples and Honey Press

Ages: 5-7

Themes: Courage, ingenuity, Jewish folktale

In The Porridge-Pot Goblin, siblings Benny and Rose are frightened by an invisible goblin, only known by his pranks and his tracks. They fear the goblin is too big for them to stop. But working together, Benny and Rose learn they are much braver than they think. This tale, drawn from Eastern European folklore, includes a working single mom and two siblings who want to let her rest while they get ready for Shabbat. An end note explains the Jewish origin of goblins.

Why I Love This Book:
1. I always loved folktales and, like most folktales, this one is entertaining, engaging, and has a message we all can embrace.
2. I love the ingenuity and bravery of the two children.
3. The illustrations are perfect and help bring the characters to life.

As promised, Jacqueline stopped by to tell us a bit about her path to publication for this book. And I think what she has to say is very encouraging for all of us…I know it convinced me to pull out an old story of mine to see if I could breath new life into it.

JACQUELINE: The Porridge-Pot Goblin was an abandoned manuscript I picked up during the pandemic when there was nothing else to do but stay home and write. Working on a story about handling fears was very comforting at the time. I hope The Porridge-Pot Goblin will make children laugh as they realize that goblins and challenges can turn out to be smaller than they first appear.

Here’s a little bit about the author: Jacqueline is the award-winning author of fifty books for young readers including the Zapato Power series, the Sofia Martinez series, Duck for Turkey Day, The Hardest Word, Never Say a Mean Word Again, and the recently released middle grade verse novel, My Name is Hamburger.

And here are some links to find out more about her and her books:
Please visit her website at
Connect with her on Facebook at

And here are some links where you can buy The Porridge-Pot Goblin


Photo courtesy:
What fun! Grab some prepared pizza dough or mix up a batch of your own and follow the directions to create goblin faces – bake and eat! Serve with hummus, salsa, peanut butter or your favorite topping:

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Please don’t forget to leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of this wonderful book. And if you share the post on social media, you get extra tickets in the giveaway hat. Also, please remember that the best way to help authors and illustrators of the books you love is to buy their books, review their books, tell friends about their books, and ask your local library to purchase copies for their collection.