Perfect Picture Book Friday: PATTERNS EVERYWHERE Plus Double Giveaway

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, dear friends! I’m really excited about today’s featured book, PATTERNS EVERYWHERE. Do you want to know why?
1. I’ve met the author in person!
2. This is a book that parents and teachers will love reading with kids…actually, they will love reading it even without their kids…it’s glorious and inspiring and so informative!
3. Lisa participated in the 2020 #PBChat Mentorship Program – I got to read this manuscript and I loved it so much, she received an Honorable Mention and a critique from me. This is a little bit of the feedback I sent her:

Actually, all I can say is that this definitely needs to be a book! In my opinion, it is darn near perfect! I love everything about it…the topic, the rhythm and rhyme (spot on!), the sidebars (teachers will LOVE this), and you’ve found a way to create an arc of sorts…using the seasons as your structure.
Lisa…I love how your refrain always ends with ‘patterns, patterns’…it’s soothing and satisfying!
And I love how you invite the reader both in the beginning ‘let’s find designs’…and at the end ‘what might you discover there’.

That was in 2020…and now PATTERNS EVERYWHERE is launching as a real book on April 4th, 2023.

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Perfect Picture Book Friday: DEAR RAINBOW BABY Plus Critique & Zoom Chat Giveaway

Hello dear friends! Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday. Today’s featured book is beautiful…but more than that, the message it carries will touch many hearts. The author, the lovely Samantha Gassman, is an amazing person…she shared how she came to write this story:

This book is very precious to me, as the first draft was written in the days following my miscarriage in Nov. 2019. Writing was a way of healing and recovering after the tragedy and forced me to look forward with hope. I learned of the offer of publication a week before my rainbow baby, Kayla, was born in Aug. 2020. She shares her birthday with the book, and coincidentally, National Rainbow Baby Day.

Dear friends, not only did Samantha open her heart and share her sorrow to help others with theirs, she is also offering an incredible giveaway: a Picture Book Critique PLUS a 30-minute Zoom chat. The winner is going to be one very lucky writer, that’s for sure. Please leave a comment at the end of this post to be entered in the giveaway. And if you help make this book’s launch a success by pre-ordering a copy of DEAR RAINBOW BABY via her Linktree link: – Samantha is going to send you a signed bookplate

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