Perfect Picture Book Friday: CLOAKED IN COURAGE Plus Giveaway

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, dear friends. You all know what a fan I am of nonfiction picture book bios that uncover little-known heroes and heroines. Today’s featured book definitely falls into that category. CLOAKED IN COURAGE: Uncovering Deborah Sampson, Patriot Soldier by one of my favorite authors and critique buddies, Beth Anderson, launches on November 15th – and I’m jumping for joy! And if you leave a comment and share the post on social media, you might be jumping for joy also because one lucky person is going to win a copy of this brand-new book!

CLOAKED IN COURAGE: Uncovering Deborah Sampson, Patriot Soldier

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New books are always a cause for celebration. And this new book by fellow Storm Literary Agency sister, Rina Singh, has me jumping for joy!




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Cover Reveal: Making Their Voices Heard: The Inspiring Friendship of Ella Fitzgerald and Marilyn Monroe

OH MY GOSH! A couple of days ago, I found out that my Ella Fitzgerald/Marilyn Monroe book had a definite launch date: January 14, 2020. So, I started thinking about who I should ask to do a cover reveal…I thought perhaps I should ask the editor if the cover image I had was the final one. And then, this morning, guess what I discovered?

MAKING THEIR VOICES HEARD: THE INSPIRING FRIENDSHIP OF ELLA FITZGERALD AND MARILYN MONROE is available for preorder on Amazon. With the most glorious cover image I’ve ever seen!!!

cover 2

This was a manuscript that was very close to my heart. I’m a long-time admirer of the velvety tones of Ella Fitzgerald…and I always believed Marilyn Monroe was so much more than she was given credit for. But it wasn’t until I came across a picture of them at a nightclub that the idea for this story came to me back in 2014.

ella and marilyn in nightclub


And the more I researched, the more I came to admire both of these women…trailblazers in the fight for equality! Did you know that Marilyn Monroe was the first movie star to own her own production company? Or that in 1956, Ella Fitzgerald won a lawsuit against Pan Am for racial discrimination?

A few years ago, Bonnie Greer wrote a play about the nightclub incident and it was performed in London.


I’m so grateful to Essie White, my incredible agent, who had faith in me and in this story. And to Little Bee editor, the fabulous Courtney Fahy, who fell in love with the manuscript and believed it should be a book. And to the talented Alleanna Harris whose illustrations have brought the story to life!

I am over the moon excited and just had to share with all of you, my dear friends! And to all my critique buddies whose feedback on dozens and dozens of revisions resulted in this stellar story – I thank you!!!